Behind the Scenes at Elia's First Fitting

My daughter is 3. She has been asked to audition for a few print and commercial jobs since 6 months old, but due to the nature of the industry and schedules, did not have a real agency booking until now... (Can't say from who just yet). So what is it like? Fun, yes...but for the mom holding the diapered younger brother through it all, a bit stressful, haha.

Elia was very comfortable auditioning in front of the camera, speaking and smiling with strangers against a blank white wall and a cold, air-conditioned, non-kid space. That was two weeks ago. Makani took her because I was choreographing and conducting a rehearsal for an upcoming fashion show (that just took place this past weekend); he is a great dad - took both the kids alone through the first screening which he is not really used to doing at all (neither auditioning much nor having both kids alone for an appointment). The callback, I took her to - it was a whole hour of waiting with all the kids getting ansy and then being pulled to a seperate camera room without us, the parents, being able to know what went on (because I do this often, I know what happens, but many parents get nervous). She came out saying she put candy on her head, whatever that meant. 

So then we get the confirmation (a day later than we were told to wait for) that she got the job...after I already made plans to have my friends over for a birthday facial and lunch - ahh! I rearranged everything of course! My daughter's first big gig is more important for her self esteem (and convenient for her educational fund). So, fittings are the appointments before the job, of which you try on clothes to be approved by production directors and artistic contributors and so on... It should be easy but because there are usually so many people chimming in, it's not so simple. And well, today's fitting was in Waimanalo at 4pm on a weekday which means a long drive (40 min) to and more so, with traffic on way back (1 hour plus) with toddlers who need to use the bathroom and eat every half hour😆. Mondays are one of the three days I have daycare help (the only days I get to catch up on anything at all!!!) so I picked them up early to be able to first check diapers, give the demanded snack, check mapquest, and make the drive. 

Took us a couple turn arounds to find the place (no numbers in obvious view) but we were there early. Had to strap the little one in the backpack carrier while packing his diapers, wipes, water bottle, and jackets (for the back-and-forth rain going on all day) in a bag, and unbuckle Elia out while trying to keep the other from getting smashed in between us. The norm with two. He's trying to pull out my boob as we walk. Males. And once we meet our contact point, we are given outfits to try on in a nice room of the house. Of course I have to take off everyone's shoes, (hawaii means no shoes indoors) and in order to dress her, I had to let Kana'i out of the carrier in the new, non-babyproofed frontier... Ah!!! Keys banging on the glass table while I'm pulling Elia's shirt off. And then he's trying to stand on the low glass table while I'm buttoning up the pants. Fuck. The others ladies comment, "Wow, you got your hands full." Yes, none of them have a toddler plus another baby. They give me bout 5 outfits to change her into. Of course, Kana'i starts to fuss for my boob. Instead of having an embarrassing tantrum fight, I just pull out the left side, sit on a chair and hold him across with one arm while using the other to hold the collar of Elia's top, instructing her to pull herself backwards in order to get out of it. How else am I supposed to change her alone while he's at his dinner hour? Finally, the 4 heads approve an outfit - then asking me to undress her of course, as Kana'i has broken free and is running hands through the dirt of the landscaped courtyard. Thank you to the other mother who helped to watch him at that moment. And in redoing the whole backpack getup again, I have to pee. I ask Elia if she has to go as I know it will be a long drive. She says no. I'm locked in the bathroom with Kana'i who is opening the sink cabinets and excitedly slamming them shut over and over again as I'm stuck on the toilet in the longest pee, helpless to stop him, and I hear Elia yelling from the other side, "I have to go Potty!"
